So awhile back I had made Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. Andre had suggested that I make them in muffin tins instead, in order to keep them from spreading out so much. Andre had also asked that I incorporate brownie batter into them in some fashion. After talking to some friends who made them (Hi, Devon & Amador) who recommended using Two Bite Brownies instead of the Oreos and finally while wasting time on Pinterest I found this. It was like the world was conspiring against me and telling me that I must make Brownie Chocolate Chip Oreo Goodness, much to the chagrin of Andre's waistline.
So three weeks ago I bought two bags of double stuffed Oreos in order to do just that. Well, let's just say that my sister came to visit, life got busy and I have just gotten around to attempting to make them this morning. The only problem is that by this time I only have one partially eaten bag of Oreos left (15 cookies). I figured while that should make about 15 cookies (I am a math genius), that should be enough for dessert tonight. So I made up my chocolate chip cookie dough batter (same recipe as here) and I made up my Brownie Batter (see below).

Surprise, surprise, I have way more batter than I have Oreos. So I thought, "I can just make cookies, but what fun is that?" I decided to experiment and settled on the idea of putting marshmallows in the center of the chocolate chip cookies and brownie batter cupcakes. Brilliant!! I tell Andre that necessity is the mother of invention. He advises me that he did not think that having extra cookie dough was what Plato had in mind. So off I went to continue to construct this diet defying chocolaty treat. I baked these in a 375 degree oven for 25 minutes and when they come out the marshmallow has completely disappeared and been absorbed into the cookie and brownie dough, so that it has turned the dough into a delicious caramel infused cookie, but has left a giant void in the middle of my cupcake, so I stuff another 5 mini marshmallows into the crater and leave them to cool and melt the marshmallows. I have to admit that these were pretty tasty. I took a picture, but it is really fuzzy (probably from all the sugar I had just consumed).

But now I have run out of muffin tins and I still have a lot of brownie and cookie dough left. Aha, I know I will put it in a bread pan and then bake a loaf, but why stop at just marshmallows - I can quickly whip up a small batch of rice krispie squares and make a rice krispie layer (and Andre wonders why there are so many dishes after I get done baking).
Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Now this idea was great in theory, but once baked the rice krispies turned into a hard chewy melted blob of sugary cereal. Not that that is going to stop us from eating it in any event, we will probably just cover it in vanilla frozen yogurt and eat anyways or Andre will at least, but it is definitely not as tasty as the oreos or the marshmallows.
In a heavy saucepan over very low heat, melt, stirring constantly until the mixture is smooth:
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped
8 Tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted butter
Set aside to cool completely. Stir in:
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
Stir until combined:
4 eggs
Stir in until just combined:
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
Scrape batter into pan (normally a 9 x 13) lined with parchment paper and spread to edges. Bake in a 350 degree oven until the center is almost firm and a toothpick inserted comes out clean about 25 - 30 minutes.